How to Tell Your Parents You’re Pregnant

It can be hard enough to wrap your mind around an unintended pregnancy, let alone find the words to tell your parents. Taking the next step can feel paralyzing, but you aren’t alone.

The compassionate staff at Options Clinic is here to help you move forward with confidence. Today, we’re sharing some tips for telling your parents you’re pregnant.

Confirm the Pregnancy

It’s best to be certain you’re pregnant before saying anything. Even if you’ve already taken an over-the-counter pregnancy test, we strongly recommend visiting Options Clinic for a free pregnancy test and free ultrasound.

Our lab-grade urine tests are 99% accurate, which rules out any false positives or negatives. It’s also helpful  to receive an ultrasound, as it will determine:

How far along you are

It’s important to know how far along you are (also known as your gestational age) when weighing your pregnancy options. Montana abortion law prohibits abortion once the fetus can survive outside of the womb with medical help, usually around 24 to 26 weeks[1]. It’s also important to note that you shouldn’t take the abortion pill beyond 9 weeks of pregnancy[2].

Likelihood of miscarriage

Approximately 20% of confirmed pregnancies naturally end in miscarriage[3]. If the fetal heartbeat can’t be detected during your ultrasound, it’s possible that a miscarriage has occurred. 

Likelihood of ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg implants outside of the uterus, usually on an ovary or in a fallopian tube. An ectopic pregnancy can’t continue normally, because the fertilized egg will cause a rupture as it continues to grow. This is a medical emergency that requires immediate treatment[4]. 

Abortion isn’t necessary in the case of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. Instead, you can move forward with appropriate medical care. However, you may still want to let your parents know what’s going on. 

Your free ultrasound at Options Clinic is 100% confidential. You get to choose how and when you tell your parents about your pregnancy. 

Understand Your Options

The Options Clinic team is here to help you explore each of your pregnancy options:

Abortion in Montana 

While Options Clinic does not provide or refer for abortion services, we’re here to answer any questions you have. It’s important to be aware of the risks and side effects of abortion so you can protect your health.


We get it—the idea of parenting can feel overwhelming. But, you aren’t in this alone. We can help you work through the pros and cons to see if parenting is the right choice for you.

Adoption in Montana 

Adoption has changed a lot over the years. Birth mothers now have complete control of their adoption plan. You can choose whether you’d like to remain in your child’s life or not. There are also countless resources available to help you make the best choice for both your and your child’s future. Explore adoption without any pressure or commitment at Options Clinic. 

Your parents may ask what options you’re considering after you’ve told them the news. You don’t have to decide right now, but having some ideas in mind may help the conversation go more smoothly.

Plan What You Want to Say

If you’re anxious and unsure of what to say, try writing down your thoughts first. You can even confide in someone you trust and practice with them. This may boost your confidence during the actual conversation. 

Get Straight to the Point

Try to get straight to the point to decrease any tension. You can be as straightforward as: “This is difficult for me to say, but I’m pregnant.” 

Your parents may have a lot of questions. They may want to know how far along you are, how long you’ve been sexually active, who the father is, and if the pregnancy is the result of sexual assault. Try to think about what they might want to know and be as prepared as you can be to answer them. 

Give them Time to Process their Emotions

Sometimes, the first reaction to difficult news can be anger or shock. If the conversation becomes too heated, ask to step away and pick back up again once everyone has had time to process their emotions. You can always reconvene a few days later and discuss what options you’re considering. 

If you’re concerned that either of your parents may react violently to the news,

please speak to a medical professional or trained counselor beforehand. They will be able to help you get to safety if you’re experiencing abuse at home. 

Unplanned Pregnancy Support in Helena, MT

If you need a safe place to express your feelings and explore your pregnancy options, we are here to help. We provide a variety of free services to help you make the best choice for your health and future. Whatever choice you make, our team is here to show you the support you deserve.

Give us a call at (406) 422-1011 or request your free appointment today. All pregnancy services are confidential and free of charge.

We are an AAAHC-accredited medical clinic. When you choose Options, you’re choosing care you can trust.


  1. State Facts About Abortion: Montana. Guttmacher Institute. (2022, August 30). Retrieved from  

  2. Medical Abortion. Cleveland Clinic. (2021). Retrieved from 

  3. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2021, October 16). Miscarriage. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from 

  4. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2022, March 12). Ectopic Pregnancy. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from 

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