8 Keys to Successful Dating

Dating can be fun, exciting, and extremely fulfilling. But it can also bring challenges, and if steps aren’t taken to create a healthy relationship, it can have devastating consequences.

Over the years, we’ve seen thousands of women and men at Options Clinic, and each one has a unique relationship history. We have heard countless stories of relational success and strength, but we’ve heard even more stories of brokenness and pain. Maybe your journey includes a little bit of both? Though the past cannot be changed, the future is yours to create.

Whether you are in a dating relationship now or may be in the future, check out these eight tips for success from The Center for Relationship Education. If you could use support in creating a solid relationship foundation, please reach out for an appointment today!

1.      Maintain your independence.

Your life before dating held great significance. Your hobbies and your relationships with family and friends remain important even when you start seeing someone romantically. In fact, in many cases, these family and friends can provide great encouragement, support, and wisdom. Don’t abandon these relationships for a dating relationship. Find a healthy balance among the important people in your life and continue to pursue your hobbies even while dating. If a partner is encouraging you to cut healthy relationships with family and friends or give up favorite hobbies to only spend time with him/her, consider that a big RED FLAG.

2.      Use your brain.

The feelings and emotions tied up in a romantic relationship can be wonderful, but they can also be a bit blinding sometimes. Be sure to balance romance with common sense, good judgement, and discernment.

3.      Seek similarities.

The strongest relationships are built between people who hold common values and similar life goals. Common hobbies and interests can be nice, but a couple with similar direction and purpose can form a beautiful partnership of achieving goals and dreams together.

4.      Take it slow.

If you are navigating a new relationship, take your time getting to know the other person. Don’t feel obligated or compelled to rush into long-term commitments or intimacy before you are ready.

5.      Set clear boundaries.

Don’t be afraid to set clear boundaries both physically and emotionally from the very beginning. Remember that your body belongs to you. Clear communication is key in setting and keeping boundaries. If you are in an ongoing relationship, it is never too late to set boundaries and establish them through clear communication. If your partner is not respectful of your boundaries, consider this another RED FLAG.

6.      Engage in healthy responses to conflict.

Every couple will face conflict as no two people ever agree on everything all the time. But navigating conflict in a healthy way can make all the difference. Be sure both of you have the chance to share your side, express your ideas, and ask questions. Seek to understand your partner and where they are coming from. Be willing to compromise, if possible, but be willing to stand your ground in a respectful way when necessary.

7.      Notice danger signs and avoid relationships with red flags.

Be very aware of any form of abuse—physical, verbal, emotional, sexual, or financial. Recognize addictions, and don’t ignore them. Identify intense jealousy and controlling tendencies. These are not signs to be ignored. Counseling may be helpful in navigating some red flags, but for your health and safety, end the relationship if red flags cannot be resolved.

8.      Choose your dating and marriage partner wisely.

Choosing a dating partner and a marriage partner are very important decisions. Strong character when things are going well and when crisis hits are essential in choosing a life partner. Do you feel encouraged, affirmed, inspired, and challenged to grow to be a better person when you are together? If not, this may not be the long-term partner for you.

Cultivating healthy relationships is not easy, but it is worth it. If you have experienced a pattern of bad relationships, we’d love to walk alongside you as you make a shift and commitment to yourself to seek and build healthy dating relationships moving forward. Give us a call today at 406-422-1011, or request an appointment online. We are here to help!